By definition, the word Repose means "a place of eternal or heavenly rest; a place of peace, tranquility; and harmony in the arrangement of parts and colors that are restful to the eye." That's why we call ourselves Photo Repose! You have come to a Peaceful Photo Repose Gallery! Our message also resonates with our companion website, PleasantRelationships.Com. Hence, pleasant surrounding, such as our photos, can add a positive influence to bring about pleasant relationships.
Guests who view our photos always corroborate our claim of tranquility found in these photos. Without fail the same visitors proclaim the peaceful feeling that seems to radiate from this entire photo gallery. We have purposefully taken photos in unique settings that draw observers into "another world," a "world of photos" that rouse strong feelings of peace and tranquility. Those same feelings can have a positive influence on our relationships with others.
Photo Repose originally started as a solo website. However, when Barbara McReynolds' interest turned to an eBook called Pleasant Relationships (now on PleasantRelationsips.Com), it was felt that this pleasant, peaceful photo gallery could definitely contribute. The theme on both websites properly support one another.
Barbara McReynolds
© 2011 - 2019 PhotoRepose Gallery